A lot goes on in a municipality: potholes form, lights go out, pipes burst, accidents happen. Keeping track of it all can not be an easy task. Reporting it can be a hassle, too: look up the number, get on the phone, press a bunch of buttons, talk to a few different people, cross your fingers, hope for the best.
With the help of today's technology, and the team at SeeClickFix, it all just got a little easier.
The premise is simple: people are out and about wherever a problem might be happening. Why not make it as easy as possible for them to report it, and help get it dealt with as quickly as possible? Simply by downloading an app for iPhone, Android, or Blackberry, you can, and help SeeClickFix achieve their goals of transparency, collaboration, scale, and efficiency.
There are also applications for media and community groups.
Importantly, the back end is also taken care of, with a dashboard and several customization options for the local government that wants to experience the benefits of this system. But don't let me explain it, let's turn it over to someone who's been using it, City of Manor, Texas, CIO, Dustin Haisler:
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