Saturday, January 1, 2011

Grow your own

The idea of growing your own food is not new. The idea of self-sustainability is not new. And neither is the idea of developing a garden that will feed your family for 30 generations. In fact, this idea is at least 300 years old, as demonstrated by a garden in Vietnam, that has supported a family for 28 generations to-date:

As much as this idea might not be new, it is most certainly novel in this culture that is so heavily steeped in independence, rather than interdependence - a culture that is younger than this garden. But it's happening. The Food Forests Across America project has been underway for at least a year now, and the idea is gaining steam.

Do you want to create a food forest that serves your family for multiple generations to come? You can, and Erik Ohlsen of Permaculture Artisans would like to help you. Call him at (707) 332-8100, or email him, and you can begin to create a legacy that will feed many.

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